out for Powerlines

A series of video ads informing homeowners and construction workers of the dangers of overhead and downed powerlines.


The Ask

Powerlines are a serious safety hazard for everybody, especially when using tools or vehicles that could come into contact with a powerline. Contrary to popular assumption, powerlines aren't insulated and contact with one - either directly or by touching something that can conduct electricity - is deadly.

The Electrical Safety Authority asked us to create a series of ads to inform people of the dangers of powerlines. Our concept was "distractions can be deadly" - we wanted to show how regular activities can lead to a quick death if people don't keep the proper distance from powerlines. Something extraordinary doesn't have to happen for a powerline to pose a threat.

We created four spots to address two audiences who are at risk of coming in contact with powerlines: construction workers and homeowners, and to address one scenario of downed powerlines.


I created this wordmark to go with the campaign.





Work →→→


Branding & Identity
Art Direction
Web Design
Editorial Design
On-set direction

About →→→


Winner of Silver Davey Award (website: sustainability) for Ecology & Society, 2023
Winner of Silver Davey Award (website: science) for Ecology & Society, 2023

Familiar with Figma, Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Wordpress, Webflow, and AODA (accessibility) requirements for print and web.

Contact →→→


Bachelor of Design in Graphic Design
OCAD University, 2011.

Margot holds dual citizenship in both Canada and the United Kingdom and is legally eligible for work in both countries. She currently lives in Toronto, Canada.

LinkedIn →→→


2011 - Present:
Senior Designer, Square
Senior Designer, Office/Bureau
Senior Art Director, H+K Strategies
Instructor, Toronto Film School
Art Director, Publicis
Art Director, Juniper Park\TBWA
Designer, Critical Mass
Designer, Indigo Books & Music
Lead Designer, Blue Ant Media
Designer, WIND Mobile